10 research outputs found


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    This study aims to present pre-service teachers’ perceptions of “administration” and “school principal” reflected through metaphors; a purpose based on the fact that although they are trained in educational administration with only one course at university, pre-service teachers who are trained in the faculties of education constitute the group with the highest potential for becoming educational administrators in Turkish education system. The study group is the 4th grade (senior) university students who were chosen by means of criterion sampling method and who study at Preschool Teaching, Primary School Teaching, Social Sciences Teaching, Science Teaching, Music Teaching, Art Teaching, Psychological Counseling and Guidance programs at Adnan Menderes University. The criteria were the students’ year of education and the course of Turkish Education System and School Management they take during their higher education. In this study which is based on phenomenology research design, a written form was used as the data collection tool aiming the perception of pre-service students for administration and school principal through metaphors. After the content analysis of the data gathered through written forms, it has been found out that pre-service students have mostly positive perceptions of administration and school principal concepts and administration is perceived to a more authoritarian structure while school principal and administration are considered equal in terms of responsibility.   Article visualizations

    Organizational Justice Perceptions and Views on Violence of Branch Teachers Working in Primary Schools

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    The aim of this research is to determine the organizational justice perceptions and perspectives toward violence of branch teachers in primary school. In this frame, the correlation between dimensions of organizational justice perceptions and perspectives toward violence of teachers was examined and all dimensions of this relation if differentiating or not according to various demographic, occupational and the school's property variables were examined. In this study, the literature survey was made and "Likert-type” two scales that were previously developed has been applied all schools within the Gaziantep Province. The data that was obtained through  ‘Organizational Justice Scale’ and ‘Inventory for Sources of Violence at Schools According to Teachers’ from 617 middle school branch teacher was analyzed by using SPSS 20.0 program. Percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation statistics were used in descriptive statistics analysis. For Further analysis in parametric tests, t-test, Chi-square, nonparametric in more than two groups in one-way ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis non-parametric test is used H-statistics. At the end of analysis of the data; was stated that negatively and low levels relationship was seen between organizational justice dimensions and the perception of the school violence. As the conclusion of the study it can be stated that the teachers' perceptions of justice may arise together with the cause of violence

    Class Supervision At Universities

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    DergiPark: 326037trakyasobedClass supervision which is encountered in the schools of Ministry of National Education and which can also be defined as the supervision conducted so as to be able to evaluate the competency of the teacher during teaching process in terms of the field of teaching, the methods and techniques the teacher uses while teaching, and whether the students are being taught in accordance with the objectives of the curriculum determined in advance, is thought to be of great importance for the success of an educational organization. In this research, by getting the views of the administrators and academicians with regard to class supervision at universities, it is aimed to put forth the present situation and determine the needs of university units related to class supervision. Of the qualitative research designs, phenomenological method is used in the research and as the data collection tool, interview technique is used. The study group of the research is composed of 8 administrators and 10 academicians working at different units of a state university in Aegean Region. In order to do the qualitative research, convenient sampling method is used. According to the findings of the research, it is determined whether a regular class supervision is conducted at universities or not. While the administrators and academicians who think that it is quite normal and that class supervision by a supervisor out of the organization is not necessary make emphasis on the autonomous structure of universities and self-control, in the views of the administrators and academicians who indicate that class supervision is necessary, it is determined that the concept of organizational justice come to the forefrontMilli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı okullarda sıklıkla karşılaşılan ve öğretmenin öğretim yaptığı süreçte alanına dair yeterliğinin, öğretim esnasında kullandığı yöntem ve tekniklerin, öğrencilerin ders programında önceden belirlenen amaçlara göre yetiştirilip yetiştirilmediğinin değerlendirebilmesi amacıyla yapılan denetim olarak da tanımlanabilen ders denetiminin bir eğitim örgütünün başarılı olabilmesinde önemli bir rol oynadığı düşünülmektedir. Bu araştırmada, üniversitelerdeki ders denetimine ilişkin olarak yönetici ve akademisyen görüşleri alınarak, var olan durumun ortaya konması ve üniversite birimlerinde ders denetimine ilişkin ihtiyaçların saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada nitel araştırma desenlerinden olgubilim deseni, veri toplama aracı olarak görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Ege Bölgesi’nde yer alan bir devlet üniversitesinin farklı birimlerinde görev yapan 8 yönetici ve 10 akademisyen oluşturmaktadır. Nitel araştırmanın yapılması için kolay ulaşılabilir durum örneklemesi yöntemi seçilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, üniversitelerde düzenli bir ders denetimi yapılmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu durumun normal olduğunu ve üniversitelerde dışarıdan bir denetçi vasıtasıyla ders denetimi yapılmasının gerekli olmadığını düşünen yönetici ve akademisyenler üniversitelerin özerk yapısına ve öz denetim olgusuna vurgu yaparken, ders denetiminin gerekli olduğu görüşünü belirten yönetici ve akademisyenlerde örgütsel adalet kavramının ön plana çıktığı tespit edilmişti

    Self-Actualization Levels of Participants in Lifelong Education Centers

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    5th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES) -- FEB 05-08, 2013 -- Rome Sapienza Univ, Rome, ITALYWOS: 000335471201120Self-actualization need was theorized in Maslow's Theory of Human Motivation and defined as the potential of the individual to reach his highest level of personal fulfillment throughout his life(Schultz and Schultz, 2001). Lifelong Education Centers (LEC) in Turkey are appropriate places to satisfy this need. The aim of this study is to find out the self-actualization levels of participants who attended the educational programs in LECs and discuss how these educational programs affect their self-actualization needs. According to the findings, both the general and the dimensional level of self-actualization for the participants have been found as high. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Near E Univ, Ankara Univ, Bahcesehir Uni

    Self Actualization Needs and Education of Participants in Lifelong Education Centers

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    AbstractSelf actualization need was theorized in Maslow's Theory of Human Motivation and defined as the potential of the individual to reach his highest level of personal fulfillment throughout his life. Lifelong Education Centers in Turkey are appropriate places to satisfy this need. The aim of this study is to find out the expectations and life satisfaction levels of the participants who attended the educational programs. The findings of the study revealed that the expectations of the participants were met in the “agree” level and their life satisfaction levels after the program were also in the “agree” level

    Organizational Culture at University: A Sample of a State University, Faculty of Education

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    Culture is one of the most basic features that distinguishes an organization from others.  Organizations, like societies, have their own norms, beliefs and values. In culture formation, elements such as management style, manager style, members of the organization play an important role. Organizational culture is seen as a component of the characteristics of its members and can be shaped by their characteristics. This is also valid for universities as they are a form of organization. Sub-groups at universities can have a different culture from the university's own corporate culture and create their own structure. This may make the university an institution that synthesizes different subcultures. From a managerial point of view, it will be appropriate to examine how organizational culture is shaped in order to see the organizational culture and its effects in the loosely constructed universities. For this reason, this study aims to describe the organizational culture of a state university. In this context, the views of the lecturers about organizational culture were collected through qualitative research techniques by interviewing and analyzed by themes and categories. At the end of the study, the most commonly used cultural elements are determined as common values, communication, democracy, hierarchical structure and beliefs. The failure to create traditions due to ever-changing administrations has been identified as a factor that adversely affects the development of organizational culture. Organizing unifying activities in order to develop organizational culture, creating rituals and symbols, establishing a communication network for scientific cooperation and adapting to the new participants are among the proposals of the participants

    Organizational Culture at University: A Sample of a State University, Faculty of Education

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    Culture is one of the most basic features that distinguishes an organization from others.  Organizations, like societies, have their own norms, beliefs and values. In culture formation, elements such as management style, manager style, members of the organization play an important role. Organizational culture is seen as a component of the characteristics of its members and can be shaped by their characteristics. This is also valid for universities as they are a form of organization. Sub-groups at universities can have a different culture from the university's own corporate culture and create their own structure. This may make the university an institution that synthesizes different subcultures. From a managerial point of view, it will be appropriate to examine how organizational culture is shaped in order to see the organizational culture and its effects in the loosely constructed universities. For this reason, this study aims to describe the organizational culture of a state university. In this context, the views of the lecturers about organizational culture were collected through qualitative research techniques by interviewing and analyzed by themes and categories. At the end of the study, the most commonly used cultural elements are determined as common values, communication, democracy, hierarchical structure and beliefs. The failure to create traditions due to ever-changing administrations has been identified as a factor that adversely affects the development of organizational culture. Organizing unifying activities in order to develop organizational culture, creating rituals and symbols, establishing a communication network for scientific cooperation and adapting to the new participants are among the proposals of the participants